
Webinar: An Introduction to Linkedin

27th November 2020

An introduction to LinkedIn and how to use it to its full potential.

Want to make better use of LinkedIn but unsure where to start?
Unsure how LinkedIn could help you?
Keen to make your profile more effective?
Stuck for content ideas?
All of the above...?

Then this session is for you!

For most of us 2020 has forced us to shake up the way we do things, and we are no different! One of the things that we have had to up our game in is LinkedIn. We've learnt loads about how to make LinkedIn work for you, and we'd like to share some of that knowledge!

By the end of this session you will know how to:
✔️expand your network and build connections
✔️update your profile to make it represent you properly
✔️engage with people you want to be talking to
✔️post great content of your own
and lots more!