
Signs Your Company Culture Needs Work and How to Improve it

18th October 2018

A bad work culture can have a huge impact on your business. Affecting turnover, engagement and work ethic. This can also prevent the positive promotion of your business and could even lead to a bad reputation. 

The tell-tale signs that your workplace could have picked up a negative culture can include, gossiping, lack of empathy, poor attendance and dips in productivity. 


To improve your company culture, you must understand what the primary causes are and work to correct it. 

Start by taking feedback and listen to the concerns your employees have about the culture. Listening to your employee will also make employees feel more valued and respected, as well as supporting you find the cause of a negative culture and whether it is down to management or employees. 

Team meetings

To follow up you must then honestly discuss the culture. Hold a meeting surrounding the issues you discovered in the feedback and be open to ideas and opinions surrounding the issues. 

By asking for the opinion of your employees you may find that they come up with the best solutions or tell you about problems you may have not been able to see or haven’t been notified about. After you have started resolving any issues, having team meetings can keep up a positive environment for everyone.


After you find out what the issues are and understand how to rectify them, use this feedback to clarify your company values and set a clear guideline of what is acceptable and what will not be tolerated. 

Have a clear set of values and ensure employees understand these. There is nothing good about negative company culture and allowing it to continue can give your business a bad reputation. Therefore, it is critical to give culture attention, make having a positive one a part of every employee’s goals.